Which babies may benefit from osteopathy?
Babies born by c-section, forcecps or ventouse
Babies with latching difficulties or who are unable to latch
If mum is having pain with breast feeding
Sucking problems
Babies with facial asymmetry, torticollis or plagiocephaly
Fast or prologned second stage of labour
Prolonged head moulding that doesn't resolve after the first week
My baby..
Is generally unsettled
Is having feeding difficulties, e.g. getting a good latch or not feeding well from one side
Is having feeding difficulties relating to tongue tie
Has been recommended to see an osteopath before tongue tie release
Has tightness in their neck or jaw or general body tension
Is having digestive diturbances
Is starting to develop a flat head on one side (plagiocephaly)
Has torticollis (their head is tilted to one side)